“My pain used to be my weakness,
when now it is my experience and strength”
The story
My name is Anthony Ryan. My journey this lifetime began in South Africa.
I was strange in my ways, an unknowingly beautiful outsider. I grew up in nature surrounded by animals and heading to school covered in dog fur.
Growing up I faced my own powerful spectrum of love and suffering, some things that I believe all of us can relate to in some way. This started shaping my Human, and leading me to a future that is quite beautiful, though unexpected in many ways.
In early 2017 I had 2 life changing and near death experiences that made me reevaluate and change my perspective on EVERYTHING.
And although the pain was excruciating, it allowed me to find a new sense of self – they served as teachers to guide me into a larger purpose.
This was my awakening.
Stepping into my journey, I decided to move to Portugal in that same year, where I started my Business Management studies.
My true purpose and mission within business is to maximize value for everyone directly and indirectly involved, for that, I needed to deepen my understanding of a side of the business world and then put it into practice.
Inspired to be the change I wish to see in the world, I felt that what I was doing was not enough, so I decided to move to the Alentejo, a powerful area located in central Portugal. Here, I spent three months deepening my connection with Mama nature and thus, my being. With this magical space came a deeper urge to serve something extravagantly larger than myself. This is when PurposeFlow became a seed, that would later grow into something precious – a lifetime Project that focuses in regeneration, harmony, healing, interconnectedness, where all beings are welcome to just Be, while serving the whole that is Mama Earth, where we as Humans can be more consciously energy creating than energy consuming.
For the rest of my time here, I envision developing a powerful transformational space alongside all Beings who wish to co-create.
If you wish to live a similar vision, visit us at PurposeFlow Living and become a co-creator!
With Love,
Anthony Ryan
‟I had lived alone on the farm for nearly 3 months and had found a new sense of energy, joy and inspiration in being. I had moved into a magical space, physically and energetically”